FREE viral traffic generator / marketing tool

Find out how easy it is to make your website, affiliate site, social media site or other public web page go viral by making it self-promoting for free.

Did you know that your own website could easily be generating more traffic automatically 24 x 7 for FREE by using the Free viral traffic generator tool.

Increasing your website traffic by making your website go viral for FREE

By making your website go viral you can multiply your website traffic from your normal sources such as search engines, and paid and free advertising. Your viral traffic will build up as your viral downline automatically builds. The graph above shows how your website traffic can build up when you add free viral traffic. The free viral traffic generator tool can make any website, web presence go viral; including affiliate websites and social media profiles.

Click here to register your website

Do you want your own FREE traffic genetator?

Do you have something you would like to promote or share?

Would you like to be able to do it for FREE?


Would you like to start or develop YOUR OWN BUSINESS?

How to promote or share what you have

If you have anything you would like to promote or share (a website, social site, affiliate product etc), there are lots of ways you can advertise or market it; however not all marketing is cost effective even if it is free. One of the main reasons why many free marketing options are not cost effective is the amount of time that is required to use them.

This free traffic generator however is different in that it can be set up in a few minutes and will then run automatically. You can direct traffic to any public web page including your website, social site, affiliate site or any other public page. You can also change the web page your traffic is directed to at any time and even filter the traffic if you wish.

How traffic is generated

All visitors registering via your self-promoting link, and for an additional 5 levels under it, need to visit your site to register. This can bring you huge amounts of free traffic, almost without exception they will be unique visitors. If just 10 people register under you and 10 under each of them for the additional 5 levels you will have received over 1 million free visitors. Your visitors / registrations are automatically generated from your self-promoting link(s) that you can share on social media sites, your websites etc.

Free traffic generator

Click on the video to see how your website can go viral NOW!!!

Click here to register now for FREE

Use the FREE Viral Traffic Generator if you...

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Register your website here

Please note, you can return to add an additional website(s) as required.



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Please ensure you enter the whole website url including the http part to ensure you receive your visitors.


* Please enter the code shown on the left.

Click here to log in

 Click here for information about Social sites

Free viral marketing system - Key benefits

2) Automatically generates you FREE additional viral traffic.
3) Provides you with a FREE dedicated web page including, both your website and your self-promoting links.
4) Automatically makes your website(s) self-promoting as you share your dedicated page or self promoting links.
5) Designed to generate additional FREE website traffic.
6) Helps to increase your website visitors.
7) Reduces your cost per view for any marketing you do, if you use your self-promoting links.
8) Provides you with a FREE reciprocal link to your website(s).
9) Ensures that everyone who registers via one of your self-promoting links will also visit your website*. This provides you with FREE additional marketing.
10) Register and set-up in seconds (no coding required).
11) FREE bonus includes how to turbo charge your traffic course.
12) Provides traffic management (so you can reduce or stop your website traffic for a period).
13) Change the registered website or affiliate offer displayed in seconds.
15) Earn money by selling your viral traffic to other parties. After you have built up a reasonably sized downline (amount of viral traffic) you could sell some or all of your viral traffic.
16) Earn money by selling advertising space on your website. If you have built up a resasonable amout of viral traffic to your website you can earn money by selling advertising space.
17) Automatically adds your social media share buttons your dedicated self-promoting landing pages.

Assumes that you are using the default traffic management.

How to make your website self-promoting

1) Register your website
2) Confirm your registration.
3) Share your viral self-promoting link(s).

For more information please refer to the additional information provided.

FREE Bonus

Business building course includes:-.


Please note, sending spam mail is not allowed by any user of this free viral marketing system. If anyone violates our terms and conditions, that specifically prohibits including a link to our site in any spam mail we will close their account. To report any violation please click here, so we can take action against the spammer.

If you have any questions please visit our frequently asked questions page.

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